Columbia Connects: Throughout the autumn, university-wide alumni will be attending events around the world to celebrate their alumni connections while welcoming new graduates to CAA club regions. Whether new to a club or a returning member, please join us and celebrate everything it means to be a member of the Columbia community!
Please join us for this critical and thought-provoking conversation as one of the top journalists in the field, Jon Ronson, the author of the highly acclaimed book So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, discusses the history behind public shaming, it’s evolution on social media, from the terrible 2013 case of Justine Sacco - Ground Zero of modern shaming - through to the Harpers Letter, where powerful public figures, outspoken journalists and political activists argued that they too are being unfairly silenced. But are these signatories victims of an 'unjust mob', or simply the rough and tumble of public discourse?
*All Columbia Connects events will be held in the CAA global club's local timezone.